Boeun (Moon Geun Young) is an ordinary high school girl who worries about grades and has a crush on her school's baseball team ace, Jungwoo. One day, Boeun's grandfather orders her to marry Sangmin (Kim Rae Won) because of a pact he made with Sangmin's grandfather during the Korean War. Despite the grandchildren's opposition, they are forced to marry because of Boeun's grandfather's strong influence. Boeun's undercover married life begins: She pretends that she doesn't have a husband and starts dating Jungwoo. Boeun believes that she can manage both men and live a double life. Everything goes smoothly until Sangmin visits Boeun's school as a student the end she understands that her husband is the only one she ever loved...and the story ends with a family photo.!
Rae-won Kim...Park Sang-min
Geun-Young Moon...Seo Bo-eun
Sun-yeong Ahn...Teacher Kim
Bo-kyeong Kim...Ji-su
In-mun Kim...Bo-eun's grandfather
Ki-yoon Song...Bo-eun's father
Eun-Sook Sunwoo...Bo-eun's mother
Jin-hie Han...Sang-min's father
Hye-ok Kim...Sang-min's mother
Chang Yun...Yong-joo (as Chan Yoon)
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