"Wangan Midnight The Movie" based on hit manga written by Michiharu Kusunoki, the film stars Yuichi Nakamura of D-BOYS, Kazuki Kato, and Ryoko Kobayashi. The story centers on a young man named Akio Asakura, a 3rd-year high school student who salvages "Devil Z", a custom-tuned Datsun Fairlady S30Z car with a supposedly cursed history despite not having a driver's license and having no idea how to operate a manual transmission. . .
Yuichi Nakamura
Downloads: [Part1] | [Part2] | [Part3] | [Part4] | [Part5] | [Part6] | [Part7] | [Part8] | [Part9] | [Part10] | [Part11] | Ryoko Kobayashi | Kazuki Kato | Kosuke Yonehara |
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