The story follows a 21-year-old young man named Kohei (Okada Junichi) in Kisarazu, a city in Chiba, Japan. Diagnosed with cancer he has been told that he has a total of 6 months to live, but instead of being depressed, Kohei decides to do something else, something daring and unique.
The show focuses mainly on Kohei and four of his close friends: The five grew up together having been on the same high school baseball team. Kohei, known as Bussan to his close friends, forms the group "Kisarazu Cat's Eye" which also consists of Bambi (Sakurai Sho), Master (Sato Ryuta), Ani (Tsukamoto Takashi), and Ucchi (Okada Yoshinori). The theme of the group is based on a manga (Japanese comic) called Cat's Eye or キャッツ アイ. Cat's Eye is the story of three sisters who lead a double lives as skilled thieves. Kohei's group of friends, however, play baseball during the day while stealing or getting into mischief and other troubles at night. Sometimes they solve life crises; mainly, however, they solve smaller, humorous problems.
- Bussan (Kohei Tabuchi) - Junichi Okada
- Bambi (Futoshi Nakagomi) - Sho Sakurai
- Ucchi (Uchiyama) - Yoshinori Okada
- Master (Shingo Okabayashi) - Ryuta Sato
- Ani (Kizashi Sasaki) - Takashi Tsukamoto
- Mouko - Wakana Sakai
- Kaoru Nekota - Sadao Abe
- Yamaguchi-senpai - Tomomitsu Yamaguchi
- Mirei Asada - Hiroko Yakushimaru
- The cafe owner - Daisuke Shima
- Sasaki Jun (Ani's brother) - Hiroki Narimiya
- Rose (The Second Generation Kisarazu Rose) - Aiko Morishita
- Ojii / Ozu Yujirou & Shintaro - Arata Furuta
- Kousuke Tabuchi (Bussan's Father) - Fumiyo Kohinata
- Setsuko (Master's wife) - Mihoko Sunouchi
- Miiko (Ucchi's girl) - Kami Hiraikawa
- Ichiko - Yumiko Nosono
- Takeda (Police Officer) - Hiroki Miyake
- Vice Principal - Yasuhito Hida
CD 01 [001 . 002] (684.93MB)
CD 02 [001 . 002] (701.38MB)
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